Simplifying dynamic websites with
mod_perl and The GIMP
- Slide 07
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GIMP Incantations

  • nohup Xvfb :0 -screen 0 640x480x24 -fp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/ -nolisten tcp -ac < /dev/null > Xvfb.out 2> Xvfb.err &
  • DISPLAY=:0.0 nohup /usr/local/bin/gimp --verbose --no-splash --no-splash-image --enable-stack-trace never --console-messages -i -b '(extension-perl-server 1 0 0) (gimp-quit 0)' < /dev/null > Gimp.out 2> Gimp.err &
  • Note that Apache, Xvfb, and The GIMP are all running as the same user.